Black Sun Brotherhood: God & Beast (2020)

(42:06; Metal Blast Records) Norwegian band BLACK SUN BROTHERHOOD is a unit that has been cooking for a few years, with sources stating that the initial incarnation of the band launched back in 2013. Following an initial EP in 2019 they launched their debut album "God & Beast" in the fall season of 2020 through German label Metal Blast Records. My main initial associations when listening through this album properly is that this is a band that either know their Celtic Frost quite a bit, or that they are familiar with quite a few bands that explore the legacy of that band. The lead vocals are gruff, frayed spoken to shouted vocals in a manner perhaps more related to than directly similar to Tom Fischer, but most certainly with many similar features. There are some guitar details used throughout this album that I also associate more with Fischer than anyone else, and then going back to the earliest days of Celtic Frost at that. That being said, good old Venom were perhaps t...