Arbor - 2024 - Arbor

(43:55; P k music) Track list: 1. Polygonal 4:24 2. Fundamental 6:37 3. In Shambles 5:35 4. Sketch 5:12 5. Counterfactual 5:27 6. Blues 4:29 7. Dream Machine 5:43 8. Nicotine 6:28 Line-up: Michalis Tsiftsis - guitars Yiannis Vagianos - bass Yiannis Papadopoulos - piano Nick Thessalonikefs - drums Greek band Arbor is, from what I understand, a fairly recent unit, a quartet of like-minded people that founded a band for, among other reasons, mutual ecological concerns. Using music as their tool to share their concerns about topics in this category as well as, to quote the booklet that follow this CD, to celebrate the enduring resilience of nature through their music. "Arbor" is the band's debut album, and was released through the label P k music towards the end of 2024. Jazz is the field this foursome have chosen to explore, and they venture into this landscape in an instrumental manner. The piano and the guitar are the clear lead instruments here, usually alternating in hav...