Jar of Hope - 2011 - Ultraviolent

(24:05; Jar of Hope) The EP "Ultraviolent" was the first creative output by Polish band Jar of Hope, but while the material was the first they recorded it wasn't given an official release until the end of 2011, after the release of their debut album. A remastered edition of the EP appeared in 2018, as the so far most recent output by the band. The music here resides somewhere inside of an indie or alternative tradition, with a few unconventional blends of style elements to boot. The recurring element throughout here is psychedelic rock, which exists as either dominant motifs or as more supportive undercurrents in all of the songs. Often with a few dips into post-rock landscapes along the way. While opening cut 'Smile' is perhaps more of a psychedelic rock dominated affair, explored inside of an alternative rock context, second cut 'Mr. Green' and third song 'Follow You' are compositions with a bit more of a noise rock foundation with psychedelic su...