Tarah Who - 2024 - The Last Chase

(30:45; Pavement Entertainment)

Track list:
1. Intro 0:40
2. Safe Zone 3:17
3. Dimples 2:31
4. Unborn 2:47
5. Never Say Never 4:29
6. Army of Women 2:39
7. Don't Come Knocking 2:51
8. In Her Honor 3:03
9. Do You Believe in Santa Claus  2:31
10. Grown Up 2:58
11. You Don't See Me 2:59

Not stated

US based artist Tarah Who? appears to have started out way back in 2011, and then based in France if what I can see of her old website on archive.org is accurate. The artist appear to be based in the US these days though, and have released a number of singles, EPs and albums since the initial start from more than a decade back. "The Last Chase" is the most recent studio production of Tarah Who?, and was released through the label Kurukulla Records and Pavement Entertainment in the fall of 2024.

This is an album that has been filled with short, tight and sweet compositions that by and large come with a hard rock flavor. Not the kind of hard rock that gives up any distinct retro-vibes though, but more of a contemporary sounding variety of this tradition.

There is a little bit of a punk vibe going on in many of these songs, with a few songs possibly having a bit of a closer tie to this tradition too, but the approach and execution is markedly different from that possible source of inspiration throughout. The emphasis on establishing groove and the use of circulating patterns signify songwriting that goes a little bit beyond the punk ethos and aesthetic too. At least in the manner these traits are taken into use here.

From the opening mood piece and as a recurring element as this album unfolds we have a bit of a dark and slightly dystopian mood going on. At times with undercurrents that have a bit of a borderline industrial feel to them, if not in sound and execution then at least in terms of establishing a similar slightly dark and otherworldly but also quite enthralling vibe. It is that dark and dirty dystopian mood that Tarah Who? get just right here, with a little bit of a punk influx but also with a remarkable control as well as captivating and catchy moments of pop music sensibility. Cue chorus sections and some intriguing backing vocal calls as the main parts of that latter description.

This is a dark toned but compelling and captivating creation, where control is the master of aggression but where tension is still created and retained. The groove patterns are solid and appealing, the songs never outstay their welcome and there's a harnessed tension and energy that comes with the atmospheric laden yet tight tunes that populate this album. It is quite the nugget of a striking and enthralling hard rock production this one, a solid album with many fine moments of dark and delightful hard rock magic.

Olav M. Björnsen, October 2024



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